Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences (FMAS), Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (RUSL) disperses grants for the academic staff depending on merit. The money is allocated by the UGC from the annual budget. Academic staff may apply for grants in the prescribed application form which can be downloaded from the website. Kindly submit two copies of research grant application form to the chairman, Higher Degree, Research and Publication Committee (HDRPC), FMAS, RUSL along with the two copies of the research proposal. The money is from direct and indirect taxes the government of Sri Lanka collects from its citizens. It is an obligation of the academic staff to use the grant money honestly to conduct research ethically and to produce tangible outputs such as publications and patents.
Priority Criteria
Prioritizing criteria in evaluation of Research Grant Applications – Research,
Higher Degree, Research and Publication Committee (HDRPC), FMAS RUSL
Priority will be given to applicants with,
1. Research projects leading to a higher degree
a) already registered
b) hoping to register
2. Research projects leading to a higher degree at
a) Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
b) Any other University
3. Proposals with higher project value (higher quality of the project output, innovativeness and strength of the methodology).
4. Proposals with higher feasibility
5. Projects with no financial assistance at present.
Low priority will be given to following applicants.
1. Non-acceptance or non-utilization of previously received grant money from RUSL, by the applicant (as the principal investigator) during last 12 months.
2. Ineffective utilization of previous grants from RUSL by the applicant (as the principal investigator) within last 12 months. (This includes studies failed to adhere to the grant awarding conditions and studies that had no published or patented outcome).
Awarding of research grants: Conditions
1. The outcomes of the proposed study shall be published* or patented.
2. Publications facilitated by the grant should acknowledge the RUSL for providing the grant.
3. Upon acceptance of the grant, progress reports should be submitted 6 monthly to the HDRPC, FMAS, RUSL.
4. Settlement of the advance payments of the grant should be done in accordance with the financial regulations of the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
5. Ethical clearance certificates of the study should be submitted to the, Ethics Review Committee, RUSL with or prior to the submission of the first progress report#.
- Published in the form of full papers or research communications, indexed in Pubmed®, Thomson Reuters Science Citation Index®, Thomson Reuters Science Citations Index Expanded®, Thomson Reuters BIOSIS® or Thomson Reuters Social Science Index®.
#not applicable for the studies which do not require ethical clearance