MBBS, MPhil (Peradeniya), MSc in Experimental Biotechnology (Reading)
Senior Lecturer
Department of Microbiology
Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
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Senior Lecturer in Microbiology (Grade II)
Department of Microbiology
Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Academic warden (January 2021 – January 2022)
Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Secretory ( August 2022 to date)
Ethics Review Committee
Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
MBBS (Kelaniya)
MPhil (Peradeniya)
MSc in Experimental Biotechnology
- SSM Scientific Publications Awards – 2020, for the publication; A study on the extent, aetiology and associated factors of dandruff in a group of medical students and the in vitro effects of antidandruff preparations. In the Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases,
- Best poster presentation at 13th Annual Scientific sessions of Anuradhapura Clinical Society for the research titled as ‘Study of assessing the factors for the delay in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in National Hospital for Respiratory Diseases- Welisara.(2019)
- Best oral presentation at the 13th Annual Scientific sessions of Anuradhapura Clinical Society for the research titled as ‘A study to assess the prevalence, aetiology and associated factors of dandruff and the in-vitro effects of antidandruff preparations (2019)’
- Best poster presentation at 12th Annual Scientific sessions of Anuradhapura Clinical Society for the research titled as ‘Clinical profile of the patients with interstitial lung diseases, in chest clinic Teaching Hospital Anuradhapura’.(2018)
- ‘Young Researcher Award’ at Young Researcher Symposium 2009, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, for the research on ‘Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence among married females in a Grama Niladhari area of Ragama. (2009)
Research Grant from Rajarata University of Sri Lanka -2012
Full papers
- Gunathilaka, S.S., Kularatne, S.A.M., Rajapakse, J. and Muthugala, R., 2021. Are imported cases the reason for increase in incidence of dengue in Anuradhapura District during the recent years?. Anuradhapura Medical Journal, 15(1), pp.5–8. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/amj.v15i1.7670
- Keragala, R., Kasunsiri, T.D., Kempitiya, K.S., Kumarapeli, N.N., Kumara, K. and Gunathilaka, S.S., A study on the extent, aetiology and associated factors of dandruff in a group of medical students and the in vitro effects of antidandruff preparations. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases, 10(2), pp.134–145. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljid.v10i2.8291
- Manokaran S , Jayasinghe MA, Senadheera AS, Gunathilaka SS, Kalina S, Chandrajith VG and Ranaweera KDS , Determination of Glycaemic Responses of Low Fat Milk Incorporated with Whey Proteins and Oats Powder: Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics: 2018, 4(2) DOI: 10.4172/2472-1921.100070
- Gunathilaka, M.R.K.M., Rajapaksha, R.M.S.I., Senevirathna, N.K., Ekanayaka, B.A., Gunathilaka, M.G.R.S.S., Chinthani, D., Ekanayaka, T.D., Warnasekara, J.N. and Wickramage, S.P., 2020. Sleep quality and daytime sleepiness in medical students of a state university of Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional study. Anuradhapura Medical Journal, 14(2), pp.5–9. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/amj.v14i2.7677
- Hathagoda K, Gunathilaka S, Dissanayake B, Tharaka I, Gunathilaka K, Jayawardane R et al. Bacterial pathogens causing urinary tract infections in children and their antimicrobial susceptibility patterns in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka in Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases.2018:8(2) 93-9. DOI: : http://dx.doi.org/10.4038/sljid.v8i2.8222
- Hathagoda, K.L.W., Rodrigo, T. and Gunathilaka, M.G.R.S.S., Streptococcal sepsis and incomplete Kawasaki disease in an 8 month old infant. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 47(4), pp.362–363. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljch.v47i4.8610
- Gunathilaka MGRSS, Dissanayaka DMBP, Jayasundara JMDD, Illlapperuma SC, Amarasinghe PMAT, Banadara HMIP, Tharaka DDI, Gunathilaka MRKM WW. Knowledge attitude and practices on rabies in a rural community. In: Scientific Sessions , Faculty of Medicine, University of Sri Jayawardanapura. 2017. p. 62–3.
- Gunathilaka MGRSS, Kularathna SAM, Rajapaksha RPVJ, Ekanayake TD, Warnasekara YPJN MM. Are we ready for the dengue outbreaks in Anuradhapura district, in non-rainy seasons; a preliminary study. In: Scientific Sessions , Faculty of Medicine, University of Sri Jayawardanapura. 2017.
- Gunathilaka MGRSS,Kularathne SAM Rajapaksha RPVJ, Muthugala MARV RR. Some observations on the relationship between mosquito larval indices and incidence of dengue in Anuradhapura District, Sri Lanka. In: Second national Symposium on dengue, FOM, kelaniya. 2017.
- Gunathilaka MGRSS, Kularathna SAM, Rajapaksha RPVJ,Ekanayaka TD, Warnasekara YPJN MM. Does the amount of rainfall affects the incidence of dengue in dry zone; a preliminary study in Anuradhapura district, Sri Lanka. In: 49th Asia Pacific consortium of Public Health Conference. 2017.
- Gunathilaka S, Premawardane N, Domingoarachchi D, Illapperuma C, Rupasinghe R, ` Caldera M, Weerasinghe M, Senanayake T, Jayasundara D. A retrospective study of rhinocerebral mucormycosis in Teaching hospital Anuradhapura. In: 12th Annual Scientific sessions of Anuradhapura Clinical Society.2018.
- G.R.S.S.Gunathilaka, Y.P.J.N.Warnasekara, S.A.M.Kularathne,R.P.V.J.Rajapaksha, M.A.R.V.Muthugala, R.M.A.S.Rathnayaka. Climatic factors, the abundance of aedes aegypti and dengue infection in Nuwaragam Palatha East MOH area, Anuradhapura.In 4th International symposium of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.2108
- Gunathilaka MRKM , Rajapaksha RMSI SR, Ekanayake BAM , Gunathilaka MGRSS , Chinthani JMD , Ekanayaka TD W, YPJN WS. Analysis of the quality of sleep and the daytime sleepiness among medical students in the Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. In: Annual Scientific Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka. 2017.
- Kasunasiri D.M.T.D, Kempitiya B.C.T.A.N.W.M.R.K.S., Keragala K.A.R.K, Kumara S.K.1, Kumarapeli K.A.N.N., Gunathilaka M.G.R.S.S. Isolation Malassezia spp. causing dandruff in medical students and in vitro anti-fungal effect of crude extracts of herbs and commercially available ‘antidandruff’ shampoos.In 132ndAnniversary International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association.2019.
- Hathagoda KLW, Gunathilaka MGRSS, Jayawardane RL,Dissanayaka HMBP Tharaka DDI GR. Bacterial Uropathogens causing in children with UTI admitted to a teaching hospital sri Lanka. In: Scientific Sessions , Faculty of Medicine, University of Sri Jayawardanapura. 2017.
- Gunathilaka MRKM , Rajapaksha RMSI,Ekanayaka TD, Waranasekara YPJN, Senevirathne RMNK, Ekanayaka BAM,Gunathilaka MGRSS, Chinthani JMD WS. Sleepquality and daytimesleepinessamong medical students in the Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. In: 49th Asia Pacific consortium of Public Health Conference. 2017.
- Kularathne SAM, Gunathilaka MGRSS, Rajapaksha RPVJ . The change of dengue virus serotypes in Central Province, Sri Lanka. In: Asia Pacific Conference on Emerging Viral Infections. 2017.
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
• Senior Lecturer (Grade-II) in Microbiology- (September 2019 – Present)
• Lecturer (Probationary)- (April 2015 – September 2019)
Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya
• Temporary demonstrator ( 2010- 2011) • Undergraduate teaching (which includes lectures, practical and tutorial /small group discussions for the 3rd year Medical Students)
• Examination invigilation
• Research activities in Microbiology
• Coordination and conduct of community service projects/outreach activities of the departmen
- Cinco- epidemiological survey on Dengue in Anuradhapura District (2016-2019)
- Survey on Mucormycosis Anuradhapura (Ongoing since 2021)
Phone | : | +94 252227033 (office) |
E- mail | : | ssgunathilake@med.rjt.ac.lk |