MBBS, MSc (Community Medicine), MPH, MPhil, FRSPH
Senior Lecturer
Department of Community Medicine
Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
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2020 to current
Researcher, Empowering people with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: Intervention Programme to improve the patient journey and reduce Stigma via Community Education (ECLIPSE) project, a collaboration between Keel University, United Kingdom; Rajarata University, Sri Lanka; Federal University of Bahia, Brazil and Mekelle University, Ethiopia, funded by the UK’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
2019 to current
Co-investigators of the Generating Evidence for Ending Preventable Maternal Deaths (GEEPMD) project.
Faculty Coordinator: Cross-disciplinary field course in Sri Lanka on Global Health and Research – University of Copenhagen and Rajarata University
Assistant Secretory, Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Fellow of Royal Society of Public Health (2020 – 2022)
Member of Sri Lanka Medical Association (2018 – current)
Member of American Society of Nutrition (2021- current
- 2022-Recognition for top 20 researchers in Rajarata University of Sri Lanka in 2021
- 2022- Best oral presentation- Second Place: 14th Annual Scientific Sessions of Anuradhapura Clinical Society, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
- 2021- Best Oral Presentation – Public Health Category. International Research Consortium, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
- 2020- Dean’s Award – Category II for scientific publications in 2020, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
- 2020- Best Paper Award – Silver Jubilee Annual Academic Sessions, College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka
- 2019- Best oral presentation- Third Place: 13th Annual Scientific Sessions of Anuradhapura Clinical Society, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
- 2019- Best oral presentation- Merit award: 13th Annual Scientific Sessions of Anuradhapura Clinical Society, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
- 2018- Dean’s Award – Category II for scientific publications 2018, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
- 2017- National Research Council Merit Award for scientific publication 2017
- 2017- Dean’s Award – Category I for scientific publications 2017, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
- 2014- Dr. Suneth Agampodi Gold Medal for best performance in Community Medicine, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Original research papers published in peer-reviewed journals
- Amarasinghe GS, Agampodi TC, Mendis V, Agampodi SB, 2022, Biological social and environmental factors in a geo special model; a need for context-specific approaches in preventing early pregnancy anemia in rural Sri Lanka. Geospatial Health.https://doi.org/10.4081/gh.2022.1110
- Amarasinghe GS, Agampodi TC, Mendis V, Agampodi SB, 2022, Factors associated with early pregnancy anemia in rural Sri Lanka: Does being ‘under care’ iron out socioeconomic disparities? Plos One. 06 October 2022. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0274642
- Amarasinghe GS, Agampodi SB, 2022, Help-seeking intention for depression and suicidal ideation during pregnancy and postpartum in rural Sri Lanka, a cross-sectional study. Rural and Remote Health. 29 June 2022.https://doi.org/10.22605/RRH7273
- Rajapakse S, Wickramasinghe N, Warnasekara J, Abeyrathna P, Amarasinghe G, Hettiarachchi AU, Jayasinghe IU, Koralegedara I, Agampodi TC, Agampodi SB, 2022, Asthma in a prospective cohort of rural pregnant women from Sri Lanka: Need for better care during the pre-conceptional and antenatal period. PLoS One. 14 Jul 2022. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0269888
- Amarasinghe GS, Agampodi TC, Mendis V, Agampodi S, 2022, Cross-sectional study to assess etiology and associated factors for anaemia during first trimester of pregnancy in Anuradhapura District, Sri Lanka: a protocol. F1000Research. 12 Apr 2022.doi:10.12688/f1000research.28226.1
- Amarasinghe GS, Agampodi TC, Mendis V, Malawanage K, Kappagoda C, Agampodi SB, 2022 Prevalence and aetiologies of anaemia among first-trimester pregnant women in Sri Lanka; the need for revisiting the current control strategies. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 6 Jan 2022. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-021-04341-z
- Agampodi TC, Amarasinghe GS, Wickramasinghe ND, Warnasekara JN, Perez-Escamilla R, Agampodi SB. 2021, Maternal and child health and nutrition (MCHN) policies and programs in Sri Lanka: a paradigm for public health in Asia. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine. 30 Dec 2021. http://doi.org/10.4038/sljm.v30i2.328
- Agampodi, TC, Wickramasinghe ND, Jayakodi HG, Amarasinghe GS, Warnasekara JN, Hettiarachchi AU, Jayasinghe IU, Koralegedara IS, Gunarathne SP, Somasiri DK, and Agampodi SB. 2021. “The Hidden Burden of Adolescent Pregnancies in Rural Sri Lanka; Findings of the Rajarata Pregnancy Cohort.” BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 7 Jul 2021. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186%2Fs12884-021-03977-1
- Amarasinghe G, Agampodi T, Mendis V, Agampodi SB, 2021, The need for standard definitions in global data comparison: lessons from studying the prevalence of anemia during pregnancy in Sri Lanka. BMJ Global Health. 1 May 2021. https://dx.doi.org/10.1136%2Fbmjgh-2021-005737
- Agampodi TC, Hromi-Fiedler A, Agampodi SB, Amarasinghe GS, Wickramasinghe ND, Jayasinghe IU, et al. 2021, A self-applied valid scale for rapid tracking of household food insecurity among pregnant women in Sri Lanka. Maternal and Child Nutrition. 17 Mar 2021. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111%2Fmcn.13165
- Agampodi TC, Wickramasinghe ND, Prasanna RIR, et al. 2020, The Rajarata Pregnancy Cohort (RaPCo): study protocol. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 26 Jun 2020. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186%2Fs12884-020-03056-x
- Amarasinghe GS. 2018, Teaching life skills through arts; an option for adolescent health promotion in resource poor settings. Anuradhapura Medical Journal.12:5-9. http://doi.org/10.4038/amj.v12i1.7647
- Agampodi SB, Amarasinghe GS, Naotunna PGCR, Jayasumana CS, Siribaddana SH. 2018, Early renal damage among children living in the region of highest burden of chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka. BMC Nephrology. 16 May 2018. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186%2Fs12882-018-0911-8
- Amarasinghe GS, Naottunna NPGCR, Agampodi TC, Agampodi SB, 2017, Factors associated with anemia among Sri Lankan primary school children in rural North Central Province. BMC Paediatrics. 20 Mar 2017. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186%2Fs12887-017-0841-9
- Naotunna NPGCR, Dayarathna M, Maheshi H, Amarasinghe G, Kithmini VS, Rathnayaka M, Premachandra L, Premarathna N, Rajasinghe PC, Wijewardana G, Agampodi TC AS, Naotunna NPGCR, Dayarathna M, Maheshi H, Amarasinghe GS, Kithmini VS, et al. 2017, Nutritional status among primary school children in rural Sri Lanka; a public health challenge for a country with high child health standards. BMC Public Health. 10 Jan 2017. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186%2Fs12889-016-4001-1
Abstracts published in peer-reviewed journals
- Gunarathne SP, Amarasinghe G, Agampod T, et al. 2022, Does Being Diagnosed as Anemic in Early Pregnancy Have an Impact on the Household Expenditure for Food? Evidence From a Maternal Cohort in Rural Sri Lanka? Current Developments in Nutrition, https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzac061.038
- Rajapakse RMSI, Wickramasinghe ND, Agampodi TC, Amarasinghe G, Hettiarachchi A, Jayasinghe AU, Koralegedara I, Warnasekara J, Agampodi SB, 2021, Effect of pregnancy on asthma control: a cohort study in rural Sri Lanka. European Respiratory Journal. DOI: 10.1183/13993003.congress-2021.OA4216
- Amarasinghe G, Jayasinghe I, Hettiarachchi A, et al. 2021, Can Homocysteine Be Used to Identify Vitamin B12 or Folate Deficiencies During Pregnancy in Low Resource Settings? Current Developments in Nutrition. https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzab046_004
- Jayasinghe I, Hettiarachchi A, Koralegedara I, Amarasinghe G, Agampodi T, Dissanayake K, Warnasekara J, Wickramasinghe N, Abeyrathne P, Agampodi S. 2020, Female Obesity: An Emerging Threat in Sri Lanka. Current Developments in Nutrition. https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa063_043
Peer-reviewed abstracts published in conference proceedings
- Amarasinghe GS, Agampodi TC, Mendis V, Agampodi SB. Exploring biological, socioeconomic, and environmental factors in a geospatial model to understand early pregnancy anemia in rural Sri Lanka. 27th Annual Academic Sessions of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2022.
- Hettiarachchi A, Amarasinghe G, Agampodi T, Agampodi S. Understanding factors influencing menstrual hygiene of rural Sri Lankan women. 14th Annual Scientific Sessions of Anuradhapura Clinical Society, 2022. 77-78.
- Polgolla DKPGLV, Piumali RMC, Pinto MNP, Premaratne MDVP, Phillips TM, Amarasinghe GS. Attitudes on intimate partner violence among medical undergraduates of a state university in Sri Lanka. 14th Annual Scientific Sessions of Anuradhapura Clinical Society, 2022. 89-90
- Amarasinghe GS, Agampodi TC, Mendis V, Agampodi SB. Clinical signs and symptoms for detecting early pregnancy anemia in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka; Findings from the Baseline Assessment of a Large Pregnancy Cohort. International Symposium of Rajarata University Sri Lanka 2021.
- Banda PDNP, Amarasinghe GS, Agampodi SB. Importance of mid-pregnancy psychosocial wellbeing for pregnancy outcomes. 20th Annual Scientific Congress 2021, Perinatal Society of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
- Amarasinghe GS, Agampodi TC, Mendis V, Agampodi SB. Need for standard definitions in global data comparison; the lesson learned from the prevalence of anaemia in pregnancy in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Medical Association, 134th Anniversary International Medical Congress 2021. 72.
- Amarasinghe GS, Agampodi TC, Mendis V, Agampodi SB. Early Pregnancy Vitamin B12 and Folate status among Anaemic Pregnant Women in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka: A preliminary study. Sri Lanka Medical Association, 134th Anniversary International Medical Congress 2021. 146-147.
- Amarasinghe GS, Agampodi SB. Role of the husband and family members in pregnant women’ s help seeking intention for symptoms of peripartum depression and suicidal ideation. Sri Lanka Medical Association, 134th Anniversary International Medical Congress 2021.146
- Samarasinghe A, Samarasekara SOADR, Sammani TD, Sanjula GHDM, Senarathna RMJP, Senevirathne DMSP, Amarasinghe GS. Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding dietary salt intake among government school teachers in Nuwaragam Palatha East educational division in Anuradhapura district. Sri Lanka Medical Association, 134th Anniversary International Medical Congress 2021. 210
- Jayasinghe I, Agampodi T, Amarasinghe G, Hettiarachchi A, Warnasekara J, Ilangasinghe R, Wickramasinghe N, Agampodi S. A systematic approach in mental health assessment in early pregnancy: an experience from Rajarata Pregnancy Cohort. Silver Jubilee Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2020 .59
- HettiarachchiA, Amarasinghe G, Jayasinghe I, Koralagedara I, Wickramasinghe N, Agampodi T, Prevalence and associated psychosocial factors of abuse and violence among pregnant women in Anuradhapura district Silver Jubilee Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2020. 97
- Lalani JMG, Jayasinghe HMIU, Amarasinghe GS, Agampodi TC. Perception Of Firstly Pregnant Mothers on First Clinical Visit: A Qualitative Study in Anuradhapura District, Sri Lanka. In: Asia Pacific Public Health Consortium. 2020. 113
- Amarasinghe GS, Kappagoda CN, Mendis V, Agampodi TC, Agampodi SB. Routine Interventions Fail to Prevent Development of Anaemia in Pregnancy in the Second Trimester in Rural Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Public Health Consortium. 2020. 120
- Amarasinghe GS, Kappagoda CN, Mendis V, Agampodi TC, Agampodi SB. Factors Associated with Anaemia in First Trimester Pregnant Women in Anuradhapura District, Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Public Health Consortium. Colombo. 2020. 107
- Amarasinghe GS, Wijesinghe UKIU, Nawinne NMAS, Ilangasinghe IKMAU, Srimantha S, Niroshani C, Mendis V AT. Maternal Anaemia in Anuradhapura and Thalassemia; the Elephant in the Room. The Sri Lanka Medical Association 133rd Anniversary International Medical Congress. 2020. 72
- Amarasinghe GS, Senanayeka TD, Wijesinghe ADN, Sundharum R, Herath KM, Malasekera C, Wickramasinghe A AT. Early Pregnancy Mental Health Reflecting Health System Deficits and the Need for Psychosocial Support in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. 133rd Anniversary International Medical Congress. 2020. 25.
- Jayasinghe HMIU, Hettiarachchi DAU, Koralegedara KIS, Amarasinghe GS, Warnasekara YPJN, Wickramasinghe ND, Kumara DMA, Agampodi TC, Agampodi S. Screening for Future Metabolic and Cardiovascular Risks: a Missed Opportunity During Pregnancy. 133rd Anniversary International Medical Congress. Colombo: Sri Lanka Medical Association; 2020. 19.
- Amarsinghe GS, Agampodi SB. Perceptions about peripartum depression among pregnant mothers in Anuradhapura district. 13th Annual Scientific Sessions, Anuradhapura Clinical Society, Anuradhapura. 2019. 56.
- Amarsinghe GS, Agampodi SB. How pregnant women in Anuradhapura intend to seek help for Peripartum Depression. In 13th Annual Scientific Sessions, Anuradhapura Clinical Society, Anuradhapura. 2019. 56-57
- Suneth Buddhika Agampodi, Gayani Amarasinghe, Chamidri Naotunna, CS Jayasumana, Sisira H Siribaddana, Early renal damage among children living in the region of highest burden of chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka The 50th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference. 2018.
- Iresha Koralegedara, Janith Warnasekara, Gayani Amarasinghe, Thilini Agampodi, Suneth Agampodi. Can we satisfy the knowledge, perception and behaviours of sexual and reproductive health among newly entering university undergraduates of rural Sri Lanka; a qualitative study. 11th Annual Scientific Sessions, Anuradhapura Clinical Society. 2017, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka.
- Amarasinghe GS, Art based programme for life skill promotion by primary health providers in a rural school in Sri Lanka ? A preliminary study. The 48th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference. 2016, Tokyo, Japan. 62
- Chamidri Randika Naotunna, Suneth Buddhika Agampodi, Thilini Chanchala Agampodi, Madavi Dayarathna, Hasara Maheshi, Gayani Amarasingha, Mahesh Ratnayaka, Chathuranga Rajasingha. Prevailing Thinness and Emerging Obesity among Preadolescents in rural Sri Lanka; Need of different strategies to fight double burden of malnutrition. The 48th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference. 2016, Tokyo, Japan. 54
- Jagath C Ranasinghe, Chandani Wickramasinghe, Damitha Chandradasa, Mahinda Arambepola, Pradeep Kumara, Madushan Hearath, Gayani Amarasinghe, Ayesh Hettiarachchi, Suneth B Agampodi . Implementation research to identify barriers for Zn supplementation program in children under 5years with acute diarrhea; A preliminary report. The 48th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference. 2016, Tokyo, Japan. 80
- Thilini Chanchala Agampodi, Gayani Amarasinghe, Nilushi Karunamuni, Seegiri Senevirathne, Suneth Buddhika Agampodi. Integration of responsive feeding guidelines to Sri Lankan child health programme; A preliminary study. The 48th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference. 2016, Tokyo, Japan. 91
- Agampodi SB, Agampodi TC, Naotunna CR, Dayarathna M, Maheshi H, Rathnayaka MD, Amarasingha G Nutritional status, anemia and renal functions among school children in North Central Province. 128th Anniversary International Medical Congress of Sri Lanka Medical Association 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 206
- Naotunna C, Dayarthne M, Maheshi H, Rathnayaka MD, Amarasinghe G, Agampodi TC,, Agampodi SB, Rajasinghe C, Kithmini VS, Premachandra L, Premarathne N, Anemia among preadolescent children in rural North Central Province: the challenges of neglected underlying causes, International conference on maternal and child nutrition 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 103
- Naotunna C, Ariyarathna J, Agampodi T, Amarasinghe G, Kithmini VS, Keshila P, Pinnagoda P, Agampodi SB. Perception on body image, Impact on family life and Social stigmata on Patients following Mastectomy for Breast Cancer: A Qualitative Approach. Annual Research Symposium on Cancer Prevention & Control, Colombo, Sri Lanka 2014
- Amarasinghe GS, 2017, Family Study Programme - Hand Book, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. (ISBN 978-955-0189-09-0)
- Paththinige S, 2022, Foundation and Orientation Course for Undergraduates, Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
- Sooriyahetti S, Agampodi T, 2019, Dasamasaka Sihinayata, Samudra Poth, Kurunagala (ISBN 9786242030296)
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