ICT based learning and teaching is tremendously efficient in helping medical students to learn fast and well. Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences encourages the use of computing and network resources to enhance the learning and teaching environment of the faculty community. The Computer Laboratory is the main location which provides ICT resources for the students and the academic staff of the faculty.
The Computer Laboratory was ceremonially opened by Prof. K. A. Nandasena, the former Vice Chancellor of the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, on 13th November 2008.
Computer laboratory of the faculty comprises of 60 computers. It is available 8 hours (8.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.) a day for students in the faculty.
- Providing ICT facilities to medical students for study and research and for new entrants for the course on Introduction to ICT.
- Maintaining the Local Area Network of the faculty.
- Teaching / Learning area with ICT facility.
- Providing Internet and networking facility.
- Computers for practical and OSCE/OSPE.

Dr. Ayesh Hettiarachchi
Academic Coordinator

Ms. Achini Irugalbandara
Instructor in Computer Technology

Mr. HAJP Herath
Technical Officer

Mr. GPJA Dharmapala
Lab Attendant