Journal of Tropical Health (JoTH) is dedicated to all health issues in tropical countries and accepts research articles, review articles and case reports. We are committed to publishing studies that elucidate the biological and epidemiological dimensions of health issues in the tropics and address the social, economic, and environmental determinants of health. We welcome contributions from disciplines—from medicine, public health, and epidemiology to anthropology, health economics, alternative medicine, and environmental science—to foster holistic approaches to problem-solving. JoTH is a collaborative effort of the Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences of the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka and Anuradhapura Medical Association.
JoTH follows a Diamond Open Access policy, and accordingly JoTH does not charge any article submission or processing fee. JoTH is supported by Sri Lanka Journals Online (SLJOL)
ISSN: 3084-8709