Our predominant focus is to enhance the English Language Proficiency of the undergraduates in the faculty. This will permit the undergraduates to shape their personality as skillful physicians along with the refined communication skills in English.
We offer a ten week prolonged Intensive English Course to the new entrants to communicate better in the practice of Medicine. The Curriculum for the Intensive English Program is studded with the lessons which are mainly related to Medical English as well as General English.
Furthermore, the Ongoing English Program is reinforced the undergraduates to amplify their phases of the communication skills in English.
One of our indispensable programs is the Remedial English Program, which facilitates the students who are in low language proficiencies to improve their knowledge on the language. This program is basically focused on to develop the speaking competency of the students. It is also more supportive them to thwart language barriers which are undergone them in the practical world and aid them to stand up their own feet as the self-reliant professionals in future. Our skillful and dynamic lecturers unselfishly serve the students to build up fully- fledged professionals to the society.

Mr.D. A. Wehella
Department of English Language Teaching

Ms. S.V. Ratnayake
Instructor (on Temporary Basis)