The medical library at Saliyapura campus was housed in an existing old building formerly used by the ‘Yovun Senankaya’ and before that a teachers training college. The library is still located in this building which is inadequate in space and unsuitable in design. A modern medical library is envisaged in the future. Although an extension to the present building was added recently one major constraint is space for books. Currently the library has a fair collection of books on pre- and para- clinical subjects but the current issues in clinical subjects are less than adequate. The allocation of funds for library books by the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka has to be shared by five faculties and the university is unable to cater to the actual needs of each faculty due to factors beyond their control. Taking into consideration the dearth of adequate funds, the medical library welcomes donation of books by benefactors and well-wishers. However taking into account the insufficient space and to avoid unsuitable volumes being stacked in the limited space the library wishes to propose following guidelines.