Higher Degree, Research and Publication Committee (HDRPC)
Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences (FMAS)
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (RUSL)
(Please read the by-laws for higher degrees in the regulations menu for further information)
1. Fields of study
A candidate may register for a Doctoral / Masters’ degree in any one of the fields of study recommended by the FMAS and approved by the Senate.
2. Eligibility
The applicant should usually hold a first or second class honors degree from a recognized university or an institute or a qualification which is regarded by the FMAS as equivalent, to be admitted to the postgraduate programme for the degree of Ph.D./M.Phil.
Applications may also be considered from a candidate who holds a first degree, but without honors and shows evidence of ability by way of research publications, written reports, professional experience or other appropriate evidence of accomplishment.
In very exceptional circumstances an applicant who does not possessa first degree or its equivalent, from a recognized university or institute may be admitted to the postgraduate programme, if the applicant submits evidence of general education, background knowledge in relation to the proposed research and published work, acceptable tothe FMAS.
Essential competencies for the completion of the higher degree should be obtained by the candidate during the course of study. Workshops, short courses, online courses, training fellowships etc, should be undertaken as recommended by the supervisors. Evidence of successful completion of the above should be submitted for the approval of the Higher Degree, Research and Publication Committee (HDRPC) of FMAS.
3. Application procedure
Submission of application can be done throughout the year. Every application for enrolment must be made in 4 copies on the prescribed forms obtainable from the HDRPC/FMAS or downloaded from the HDRPC website (http://www.rjt.ac.lk/med/index.php/component/k2/item/160-higher-degrees).
The application should accompany the particulars mentioned below in order to be considered for acceptance.
A) The relevant academic/professional qualifications possessed by the applicant supported by academic transcripts and certified copies of degree / diploma certificates.
Applicants should send official transcripts directly to the Assistant Registrar (AR) / FMAS. Originals of all required certificates should be produced before admission to the program. (Permanent staff of the FMAS is exempted from this requirement).
B) Two letters of recommendation, one from the applicant’s internal supervisor who should be a permanent member of the academic staff of FMAS and the other should be from a non-related referee who is known to the applicant. Letters of recommendation are considered confidential and will become the property of FMAS.
In the event of any discrepancy between the names as appearing in an applicant’s academic/professional/birth certificates and the name given by the applicant in the application form, an affidavit to the effect that applicant is one and the same person known by all such names should be sent together with the application form. If the names appearing in the application form and other documents differ from the names appearing in the birth certificate, an amended birth certificate should be forwarded.
C) Application for registration for a degree by research should be accompanied with an Ethical Clearance Certificate (where applicable) obtained from the Ethics Review Committee of FMAS or any other recognized committee.
D) A statement of a purpose and / or research proposal (1000 -1500 words) including your area of research, tentative thesis title, rationale, hypothesis, objectives, and methodology should be submitted with the application. Within the first six (full time students) or nine (part time students) months after provisional registration, detailed proposal should be submitted for review. Full registration as a graduate student will be offered only after successful submission of the full proposal and the Ethical Clearance Certificate (where necessary). After the acceptance of full proposal, the date of the registration will be backdated to the date of accepting your application.
E) Receipts in support of payment of fees (initial processing fee).
Duly completed application form, accompanied by the above mentioned supporting documents, should be sent to the Dean, FMAS, on or before the date stipulated in the application form (where applicable).
Documents submitted in support of an application shall become the property of FMAS. Applicants are required to submit certified copies of original certificates along with the application.
Registration may only take place following approval by the HDRPC, Faculty board of FMAS and the Senate. The faculty may at its discretion refuse admission to any applicant. A provisional letter of registration will be issued to the candidate after these approvals. The candidate is required to submit the full project proposal in triplicate within the first six (full time students) or nine (part time students) months of initial submission of the application form. Full registration letter will be offered subsequent to the approval of the full project proposal by HDRPC, Faculty board of FMAS and the Senate.
4. Mode of registration
A candidate may register as a full-time or as a part-time registrant.
4.1. Full-time registrant
A full-time registrant shall be a person duly registered for a postgraduate programme and engaged in research and other related activities during the entire normal working hours of the week.
4.2. Part-time registrant
A part-time registrant shall be a person duly registered for a postgraduate programme and who devotes only a percentage of total working hours in a week for the program and would conduct the work in the FMAS or any other institute duly accepted by the faculty board of FMAS.
5. Processing of applications
In admitting a student to a particular programme the application will be processed in the following manner. The application received at the office of Dean, will initially be vetted for completeness and then forwarded for recommendation, to the Head of the relevant Department of FMAS in which the applicant would carry out the work. The application, if recommended, will then be considered by the HDRPC and the Faculty board of FMAS. The applicant will be notified by the Dean of FMAS on acceptance / non-acceptance to the postgraduate program (Provisional registration letter).
6. Registration procedure
6.1. Date of registration
A candidate may apply for registration at any time (unless specified) for the degree of M.Phil. or Ph.D. The date of registration, if all the requirements are met, would be the date on which the application was received by FMAS.
6.2. Maintenance of registration
It shall be obligatory for each postgraduate student to renew the registration every year until the completion of the programme of study. An application for renewal of registration should be sent to the AR/FMAS through the supervisors and the relevant Head of the Departments.(http://www.rjt.ac.lk/med/index.php/component/k2/item/160-higher-degrees).
6.3. Re-admission
A postgraduate student who fails to maintain his/her registration shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the selected program of study. If he/she wishes to re-enter the program, he/she must apply for re-admission in terms of the regulations in force. There is no guarantee of re-admission.
The procedure for re-admission shall be the same as for initial registration including payment of all prescribed fees.
Recommendations for re-admission of a student to a postgraduate programme should include conditions, if any, for re-admission.
6.4. Changes in registration
A postgraduate student, who wishes to make changes in his/her registration such as thesis topic, title, objectives, methodology, student status etc., must consult the supervisors. A student registered for the M.Phil degree with the recommendation of the supervisor/s may apply to upgrade the M.Phil. registration to a Ph.D. All changes in registration must receive the approval of the supervisors and the Head of the relevant department. Such changes shall be ratified by the HDRPC and the Faculty board of FMAS. In case of an outside applicant he/she shall, in addition, be responsible for obtaining necessary permission from the Head of the department where the applicant is employed, for such conversion. Any changes in the personal information as submitted at initial registration should be communicated to the HDRPC.
6.5. Withdrawal from a programme
A student wishing to withdraw from the programme for which he or she is registered should do so in writing through the HDRPC, to the Dean of FMAS. Subsequent entry to the program is as for re-admission.
Adjustments of fees and refunds, if any, will be made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. The date used for the purpose of calculating the refund will be the date on which the withdrawal was approved by the HDRPC.
If after withdrawal from a postgraduate programme, a candidatewishes to apply for re-admission the application will be considered afresh.
6.6. Postponement of registration
A candidate, who desires to postpone his /her registration for a programme, should do so in writing through HDRPC to the Dean of FMAS, giving reasons for and the duration of postponement. Each such request shall be considered on its own merit by the HDRPC.
6.7. Student identity cards
Upon receiving the student registration letter AR/FMAS will make necessary arrangements to provide students with identity cards. Further AR/FMAS will inform the Librarian, RUSL to provide students with library cards.
6.8. Library cards
Upon reserving the copies of the candidate’s registration letter and notification of AR/FMAS, Librarian of the main library, RUSL and Assistant Librarian /FMAS, will issue the library cards to the candidate.
6.9. Other facilities
The postgraduate students are eligible to use the following facilities at FMAS in addition to the library facilities.
1. Computer lab with internet facilities
2. Student Health Centre
7. Fees and Exemption from fees
Fees payable by students will be determined in accordance with the decisions made by the senate and are subject to revision from time to time. Teachers and officers of the RUSL who are probationary or confirmed and recommended by the RUSL (Dean/Vice chancellor) would be exempt from bench fees, library fees and internet fees.
Sri Lankan students should pay fees in account of the Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences. Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (RUSL), at the People’s bank, Anuradhapura branch or at any other branch of the People’s bank(A/C No: 008-1-001-9-8566047) or to the shroff, FMAS, RUSL.
Foreign students should pay fees in foreign currency viz. US$. They should do so by sending a bank draft/ telegraphic transfer drawn to the credit of the Dean Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. Non-citizens resident in Sri Lanka should pay the prescribed fees in local currency.
8. Duration of programmes
8.1. Master of Philosophy
Full time registrant
The candidate is required to pursue an approved program for a minimum period of two years of which at least one year shall be of full-time research. The maximum period should not exceed four years from the date of registration.
Part time registrant
The minimum period the candidate is required to pursue the approved program shall not be less than three years from the date of registration. The maximum period should not exceed five years.
8.2. Doctor of Philosophy
Full time registrant
The candidate is required to pursue an approved program for a minimum period of three years of which at least two years shall be full-time research. The maximum period should not exceed six years from the date of registration.
Part time registrant
The minimum period the candidate is required pursue the approved program shall not be less than four years from the date of registration. The maximum period should not exceed seven years.
It is essential that the candidate whilst reading for the postgraduate degree (M.Phil., Ph.D.) is prepared to attend any courses of study in the university or other specified institution as determined by the supervisors.
9. Place of research and appointment of supervisors
A postgraduate student would normally be required to have at least two supervisors recommended by the HDRPC and approved by the Faculty Board of FMAS. One of them shall be a permanent academic staff member of the Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. At least one of the Supervisors shall have a research degree equivalent to or higher than that for which registration is sought.
Provision is also made for students to conduct research work at another university or an institute approved by the HDRPC, FMAS. In such case faculty board of FMAS on recommendation of the HDRPC shall appoint an additional supervisor from the university or the institute where the research is conducted.
10 Progress review of research work
10.1. Progress reports
Every candidate registered for a Higher Degree must submit a progress report every six months through his/ her supervisor/s and the relevant Head of Department, FMAS to the HDRPC/FMAS. This report must be submitted in the prescribed format.(http://www.rjt.ac.lk/med/index.php/component/k2/item/160-higher-degrees)
10.2. Annual Progress Review
Students are required to present the progress of their research work annually through the supervisors and relevant Head to progress review panel appointed by the HDRPC.
11. Schemes of examinations
11.1. Master of Philosophy
This will be by research with or without a course work component. The candidate will be required to submit a thesis and face an oral examination and required to submit research papers and/or conduct seminar/s.
11.2. Doctor of Philosophy
This will be by research with or without course work component. The candidate will be required to submit a thesis and face an oral examination and required to submit research papers and/or conduct seminar/s